Our Vision

1toAnother Society aims to help Pakistan's disadvantaged communities. We want to:

1.⁠ ⁠Improve education

2.⁠ ⁠Provide better healthcare

3.⁠ ⁠Create job opportunities

4.⁠ ⁠Offer disaster relief

Our work is based on Christian values, but we help everyone regardless of their faith. We believe in treating all people with respect and kindness.

Our goal is to bring hope and make long-lasting improvements in people's lives. We're working to create a Pakistan where everyone has a chance to succeed.


1toAnother was founded in 2010 in response to Pakistan's worst flood in recent history, which affected 21 million people. We began our work in Muzaffargarh, southern Punjab, providing emergency relief such as food, tents, and clean water to rural communities.

As our efforts grew, we expanded from immediate aid to rebuilding homes and restoring livelihoods through livestock and seed donations. This initial success ignited a passion to serve Pakistan's poor and marginalized people long-term.

In 2011, we officially registered as an organization, and the founder returned to Pakistan with family to broaden our mission. Our work soon revealed needs beyond flood relief, leading us to develop a comprehensive approach to community development.

Today, 1toAnother operates a micro-enterprise program, offers micro-loans, runs a Health and Development Center, manages a small school, and implements various small-scale projects to improve lives. We remain committed to uplifting Pakistan's underserved communities, continuously adapting our approach to meet evolving needs.

What began as a crisis response has transformed into a sustained effort for positive change. We appreciate your interest and support in our ongoing mission to create lasting impact in Pakistan's rural areas.

Zeeshan LaalDin | FOUNDER

It is not enough to be compassionate – you must act.

— Dalai Lama